Aim and Scope

JAASP is the official journal of Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy. The aims of this journal are to document and advance pharmacy research work that significantly contributes to Pharmacy Education, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutical Science, Natural Product and Medicinal Chemistry. In addition to full research papers, JAASP also publishes invited articles, reviews and short communications dealing with the said fields.

You are cordially invited to publish your paper in JAASP which is the official journal of the Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP), a nonprofit, international organization representing pharmaceutical education in Asia-Pacific.

The unsolicited manuscripts that have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere are warmly welcome. The Journal considers those materials in pharmacy education, pharmacy practice, pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutical sciences, natural products and medicinal chemistry with other related fields. All manuscripts are subject to the peer-review process and approved by the Editor prior to acceptance for publication. Referees are assigned by the Editor with the advice of the Editorial Board as needed.