6th Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy Conference, Singapore 2013

The Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP) has reached its 13th year as a regional organization for pharmacy educators. Its inception in 2000 in Thailand paved the way for a closer cooperation, networking, and mutual learning among member countries. Since 2004, biennial conferences were held to showcase advancement in the areas of pharmacy practice and education, pharmaceutics, and medicinal chemistry. With the introduction of Deans Forum in Indonesia in 2011, greater focus is given to issues and concerns confronting Deans, administrators, and faculty members. Now, AASP alternately conduct these two major events to continuously pursue its vision to be an influential organization in pharmacy education in the Region.

To download the photos for this year’s conference, please click here: AASPC2013 Photos

This year, the 6th AASP conference organizers chose the theme, Integrating Science, Technology, and Practice for Sustained Excellence in Pharmacy Education, to embody the organization’s recognition of the vital yet unique components of pharmacy education. The delicate balance among these components makes pharmacy education distinctive in molding students to become professionals endowed with scientific competence and a heart to serve.

A new feature of this conference is the pre-conference forum and workshops where educators will learn from experts and colleagues, particularly on teaching-learning strategies. With a roster of distinguished speakers, facilitators, and presenters and a well-organized program, it is my hope that this year’s conference in Singapore will meet each participant’s expectation and motivate them to excel in their respective fields of teaching and practice.

My sincere congratulations go to the untiring local organizers who early on, devoted their valuable time and effort to make this conference successful. I gratefully acknowledge the host, the National University of Singapore, through the Department of Pharmacy, which unselfishly opened its door and shared their resources to accommodate us all.

Footprints Date: 
14-17 November 2013
Footprints Place: 