2nd AASP Pharmacy Deans Forum, Nanjing, China 2012

More than 70 pharmacy deans and faculty representatives from different Asian countries gathered in Nanjing, China last June 4-6, 2012 for the 2nd AASP Pharmacy Deans Forum with the theme, Advances and Challenges in Clinical Pharmacy Education in Asia. The forum was hosted by the China Pharmaceutical University (CPU) through its Dean, Dr Qi Dong You, a member of the AASP Board of Directors.

Dr Xiao-Ming Wu, the President of CPU welcomed the guests and delegates to historic Nanjing during the Opening Ceremonies. Vice-President Dr Wen-Bing Yao gave a comprehensive presentation on the history and status of Chinese pharmacy education. This was followed by country experiences in clinical pharmacy education.

Dr Ken-ichi Inui, President of Kyoto Pharmaceutical University highlighted the advances in clinical pharmacy education in Japan with emphasis on the interrelationship of pharmaceutical sciences with clinical practice which he captured in the phrase, “from bench to bedside and vice-versa”. Dr Chulavatnatol of Mahidol University traced the history of Thai pharmacy education and emphasized on its current status. The US-Thai Consortium is a major factor for the strong clinical orientation of the Thai pharmacy curriculum. Dr Rosalie Sagraves of AACP and GAPE recounted the history of the successful partnership in pharmacy education.

In addition to the plenary sessions, there was a panel discussion, lectures, and small group discussions on student performance outcomes, preceptor training, clinical rotations and presentation of collaborative clinical pharmacy practice and education. The discussions were highly interactive and productive.

The two-day forum was made more memorable by visits to Nanjing historical sites and serving of sumptuous and delicious Chinese cuisine.

Footprints Date: 
June 4-6, 2012
Footprints Place: 
Nanjing, China